Andre, I wonder how you are still sane after enduring all of your trials. Just imagine I had you in my house, taking care of my family. That thought scares me.
90-year old former employer
Akecheta Morningstar is the youngest of eight children, born two months premature to a divorced, self-employed caregiver. He was never granted the opportunity to become emotionally attached to his earthly dad.
But oh, how that wouldn’t matter! His Heavenly Father was paying close attention to him, even when he was an embryo. Born in 1968, he grew up in the small town of Canton Mississippi (Little Hollywood). He received all of his grade schoolings from the public school system. In spite of being involved with varsity sports of Canton High, he managed to finish #3 in his class academically and received an academic scholarship to attend Jackson State University. He attended the university from 1986-1990. His scholarship expired in 1990, leaving him eleven courses short of earning his bachelor’s degree. He then obtained employment that placed him on a journey of discovering what he was truly made of. He eventually returned to the university, completed the eleven courses, and received his BS degree. However, he was labeled as Bi-Polar/ Schizophrenic. He has held over 30 different job titles, ranging from serving as his own attorney to humbly being a custodian. Many in the medical community suggest that that very fact is a strong indicator of severe mental illness. He has successfully settled multiple different times concerning legal complaints he has filed on various entities.
On December 9, 2000, he became an ordained volunteer Minister. He has three grown children- Andres Cordairo (35), Adrian Beau (31), and Ashley Bionte (28). He has been married to Linda Faye English Johnson for over 30 years.
New Element Consultants, Inc is an imaginative, outside-the-box consulting firm whose mission is aimed at educating the world one individual at a time concerning the subject of mental illness awareness.
Millions, the world over, are suffering needlessly because of misinformation concerning mental illness treatment options. The Truth of the matter is this: According to Ephesians 6:12, mankind is under hostile attack by GOD's chief adversary- Satan and his spiritual and earthly henchmen. They are on an unrelenting mission to mislead as many as they can away from God and His will for mankind. How do they seek to accomplish this? They do so primarily by commandeering control of one's mind and spirit. Once in control, they manipulate the host to perform actions that feed their evil lusts- the rapes, murders, bigotry, pedophilia, and countless other mayhem.
True Christians, in particular, need to be cognizant of Revelation 12:17. That scripture enunciates how Satan became enraged after being ousted from heaven and returned to earth to wage war against the remaining chosen ones and against the ones that support them. Because of the spiritual attacks, coupled with innate imperfections, one can become emotionally unstable.
Even though modern medicine does have its place in treatment options (Luke 5:31), it is not a cure-all.
According to the founder of NEC, Inc, Matthew 5:3 plays an even greater role. Mr. Morningstar suggests that there is a very fine line between spiritual uncleanness and mental illness.The world is not educated on the fact that True Holy Spirit is able to overturn strongly entrenched things. (II Corinthians 10:4)
By combining the two principles, ( Matthew 5:3, and Luke 5:31) in one’s life, expert Akecheta Morningstar suggests that one can become a powerful, impenetrable species.Through magnificent storytelling, Akecheta shares his life story in short and long versions. The long version will be available soon..
Andre, I wonder how you are still sane after enduring all of your trials. Just imagine I had you in my house, taking care of my family. That thought scares me.
90-year old former employer
I know of a young lady who was inflicted with a terminal illness and she read your story repeatedly for consolation before she died.
This story is like transitioning from horse and buggy, to car, to airplane travel, to space travel as it relates to explaining mental illness.
Parallels the story to Ralph Ellison’s "Invisible Man..."
Parallels the story to “A Beautiful Mind.”
Federal Court Judge
"GOD sent you here to tell the truth about mental illness.”
“Your book revealed to me knowledge I had not known."
56-year old woman
I know of a young lady who was inflicted with a terminal illness and she read your story repeatedly for consolation before she died."
Unknown Gentleman
“This book is mind boggling.”
On-air Personality
"Your book has inspired me. You are support for our community.”
Succesful Businessman
“My mother made me read the book and it is the best book I’ve ever read.”
“You have to be a man of GOD.”
“You need to tell the whole world about your book. You may be the last man left on earth. I feel closer to GOD by talking to you.”
"Your story has renewed my belief in GOD.”
"I am working on my third marriage and attributes its success to your book."
Store Manager
“You definitely were a dead man walking."
“There is not another book on earth to compare to yours."